
Macau Tower Publicize Illustrations

澳門旅遊塔是澳門的地標之一,這次是為了宣傳澳門旅遊塔和澳門佳作的澳門旅遊塔分店而繪畫的插畫,插畫繪畫了包括澳門旅遊塔、大三巴等澳門地標建築,畫面中也加入了如紅色郵亭、三輪車、涼茶、手信店等獨特澳門元素,豐富了觀者對澳門的印象,插畫也印制為T-shirt,在澳門佳作店鋪內有售。 读取更少内容

Macau Tower is one landmark of Macau. The illustrations are painted to publicize Macau Tower Tourism and Macau Creations Branch of Macau Tower. It depicts Macau Tower, Ruins of St. Paul, Cathedral and other landmarks. In addition, some unique local elements are added to the illustrations, such as Macao’s red postal kiosk, tricycles, Chinese herbal tea, special souvenirs shops, etc., which enriches visitors’ images of the city. The illustration is printed on T-shirts as well that are on sales in Macau Creations Shops.  
