
Overlooking HongKong


香港是一个充满神奇色彩和希望的城市,也是一个充满挑战和竞争的城市。同时,香港以各种建筑、招牌和特色交通工具而闻名,例如双层巴士。 众所周知的是香港融合了中西文化。 尽管在近几年香港逐渐发展成为一个繁华的城市,但对香港本土人而言,香港不仅仅有多元文化的历史而且也充满着香港独有的情怀。

Hong Kong is a city full of magic and hope, which is also full of challenge and competition. Meanwhile, Hong Kong is best known for its plentiful buildings, signboards and unique vehicles. For example, the double-decker bus. It is well known that Hong Kong combines both Chinese and Western culture. Although, in recent years, Hong Kong is becoming a prosperous city in the world. Therefore, for people who live in Hong Kong, it is not only a city with multicultural history but also full of unique memories. 
